"Go your gait" nghĩa là gì?

Cứ đi theo tiếng gọi rồi sẽ thấy mặt trời. Photo by Holly Mandarich

"Go your (own) gait (dáng đi)" = Cứ theo đuổi những gì mình thích và quan tâm.

Ví dụ
"I have the freedom to exercise my talents, go my gait and help lead the company. My co-workers are talented, collaborative and positive."

“As a BU student upperclassman, I’ve learned that the most important aspect of college is using this time to go your gait. This is the time of our lives where we have the most time to do so. Might as well do what you enjoy now and see where that path takes you.”

Suhana is active in sports and she started out early in competitions. By the time that she was just 14 years old, she was made the captain of the football (soccer) team at her school in Mumbai, India. She was also involved in dancing lessons and competitions since she was a child. All through school Suhana maintained a busy schedule of extracurricular activities (hoạt động thêm, ngoài giờ). Her parents supported all of her efforts and encouraged her to go her gait to develop as a well-rounded person.

Bin Kuan

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