"Hobson's choice" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

"Hobson's choice" = lựa chọn của Hobson -> nghĩa là lấy tất cả hoặc không lấy gì hết. Câu này có nguồn gốc từ Thomas Hopson (1544–1631), ông chủ chuồng ngựa giàu có ở Cambridge, Anh Quốc, cho khách hàng của mình lấy con ngựa ở gần cửa ra vào nhất hoặc không lấy gì hết.

Ví dụ
But there should be a Hobson’s choice available to Arteta by the end of this campaign (chiến dịch) unless that miracle (phép màu) that I mentioned happens of course. As long as we stay away from the relegation (loại trừ) zone we can concentrate fully on our Cup Challenges.

There’s no question that bucking this president and his loyalists would make a senator’s life miserable (khốn khổ), even a senator who is not running for reelection (tái bầu cử). And for those who are up in 2020, it’s a Hobson’s choice of alienating Republican primary voters or disgusted general election voters.

Jonathan Mook is an attorney (luật sư, người ủy quyền) who advises companies about their obligations (nghĩa vụ, bổn phận) under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA. He was surprised by the $25,000 figure. “The $25,000 … that’s a Hobson’s choice. It’s no choice at all. Obviously, the group can’t pay $25,000,” Mook says.

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