"Juice joint" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Sérgio Alves Santos on Unsplash

"Juice joint" nghĩa là một cơ sở bán rượu lậu.

Ví dụ
Attendees assumed the roles of party goers at a swanky speakeasy called The Juice Joint. After the murder of mob boss Notorious Nick, guests pieced together clues they got from interacting with the other characters.

You’ll have to use the Tompkins County Public Library’s “secret door” for entrance to this juice joint. For one night in October, the library will transform into a 1920s speakeasy with music, craft cocktails, treats and games from the era.

Jan. 31, 7-9 p.m., the Indiana History Center at 450 W. Ohio St. is hosting Moonshine Mayhem: A Prohibition Party. “Bust out your best duds for an evening of fancy flappers for the 100th anniversary of prohibition,” reads the notice. “Join the spirited debate to avoid a drunkard’s (sâu rượu) fate or dodge the fuzz to find our juice joint.”

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