"Look down at" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Allef Vinicius

"Look down at (someone or something)" = Liếc nhìn thoáng qua, tỏ ra vẻ kẻ cả, xem thường người khác và coi mình hơn hẳn.

Ví dụ
An old joke says it’s always a good day when you wake up and can look down at the grass instead of looking up at it.

So if I’m able to find my happiness through music and he’s able to see that, then he’ll see that that’s what living your true life is. But there is no metaphor, there’s no words, there’s no song, there’s no nothing that can describe what it feels like to look down at this person that you’ve made and see them looking back at you. How this little person that’s farting (đánh rắm) and blowing bubbles (thổi bong bóng, nhổ bọt) of spit in his mouth, is someone I respect so much. He has inspired me.”

It is a labor of love; when Cormier’s daily routine of investigating major crimes in Pawtucket ends, her cold-case work begins, virtually all on her own time. “I joke with people I’m not in this job for the income, I’m in it for the outcome,” she says in a way that tells you she’s not really joking at all. Many faces in her office look down at Cormier, Christine Cole’s most of all, her bright eyes that of a little girl who will forever be ten years old. “I look at her face every day,” says Cormier. “I look at her face all the time and, as a mother, that hits me hard.”

Ka Tina

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