"The nose knows" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Tanner Ross

"The nose knows" -> nghĩa là ngửi mùi là biết liền, khi ngửi được cái gì thì biết rõ mọi chuyện.

Ví dụ
But a new paper published in the journal Neuron has scientists questioning what the nose knows. Researchers have identified two women without olfactory (khứu giác) bulbs that were still able to smell just as well, or better, than the average person.

MULTI-TALENTED vaudevillian Jimmy Durante (1893-1980) often made fun of his oversized nose calling it his “schnozzola.” He loved to declare “the nose knows” — it was one of his signature phrases — but he probably didn’t have a clue (chứng cứ) that the nose might know a bit too much if you’re sleep deprived.

Wondering why your baby begins to cry the minute you leave the room even though newborns (trẻ sơ sinh) can only see 8-15 inches away? Or how she seems to turn her head towards you even when she's sleeping? It's the same reason why a blanket you use to rock your baby seems to calm them even when you’re not holding them: The nose knows, as they say. Even the tiniest of babies can recognize their mother’s scent (mùi hương của mẹ).

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