"Ways and means" nghĩa là gì?

Peace! Photo by Mike from Pexels

"Ways and means" = cách thức và phương thức làm điều gì. "Committee of Ways and Means" là ủy ban tài chính hạ viện, theo đó "ways and means" là cách thức gia tăng quốc khố.

Ví dụ
All around Dharamshala are posters and flyers offering ways and means to find inner peace (tâm bình an).

Senator Humason represented the interests of more than 11 western Massachusetts communities (cộng đồng), earning himself a spot on the ethics committee (ủy ban), the ways and means committee and the public health committee to name a few.

There has to be a coordination (phối hợp) between the Kashmiri leadership on the ground and the Kashmiri diaspora (cộng đồng người Do Thái). Yes, indeed, we cannot talk to them directly because of the internet blockade (phong tỏa), but there are ways and means to remain in constant communication with them.

“This is a transformative agreement (thỏa thuận thay đổi),” said Richard Neal, the chairman (chủ tịch) of the ways and means committee in congress which has authority over trade policy (chính sách thương mại), noting that Democrats (Đảng Dân chủ) had substantially changed the agreement since it passed from the White House to Congress earlier this year.

Thu Phương

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