"Beam me up, Scotty" nghĩa là gì?

"Hãy đưa tôi lên trên đó!" Photo by Mukul Parashar from Pexels

"Beam me up, Scotty" đồng nghĩa với "get me out of here!" hoặc "take me away!" = đưa tôi đi -> sử dụng khi một ai đó muốn thoát ra khỏi một nơi hoặc giải quyết một tình huống khó khăn. Cụm từ xuất hiện lần đầu trong series phim khoa học viễn tưởng "Star Trek", khi Captain Kirk lệnh cho Montgomery "Scotty" Scott đưa mình trở lại tàu Starship Enterprise.

Ví dụ
“They look like beams of light (chùm sáng) shooting up into the sky,” she adds with a laugh “like, beam me up, Scotty!”

Police chief (cảnh sát trưởng) Paul Pedersen and members of the Greater Sudbury Police Service will be saying "Beam me up, Scotty" after taking the Polar Plunge into the frozen waters of Ramsey Lake.

As a kid, I heard “Beam me up Scotty” or “ May the Force be with you.” Glen Larson transported us to the 25th century with Buck Rogers and the beautiful Colonel Wilma Deering. Today, space is no longer a wild dream. It is a reality.

What we need to know is what the remaining power plant (nhà máy điện) fleet would have done if the nuclear power plants had not been phased out. We call this a counterfactual (phản tác dụng). Sort of like a parallel universe (vũ trụ song song) (which we never see in reality. Beam me up Scotty!).

Thu Phương 

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