Điều 'cân não' sắp tới trên bàn đàm phán Trump - Tập?

có lẽ nên là yêu cầu tq nâng cao chuẩn mực và chất lượng các tổ chức y tế công (chứ không phải hạn chế đối với chính sách công nghiệp nước này),

đối nội, mỹ cần có các sáng kiến/chính sách để thúc đẩy sản xuất vaccine trong nước (hiện đang trong tay các tập đoàn đa quốc gia, ngoài mỹ), không thể tự do thương mại (ở đây, ngành này) được...
…most of the vaccine-making capacity against a new virus would be concentrated in a few multinationals, and much of that activity occurs outside the U.S. If a pandemic were to become truly serious, politics might intervene and prevent the export of doses of the vaccine, no matter what the price.

The economic case for free trade is entirely sound. But here is one case where the U.S. government should take the initiative to support a domestic vaccine industry — because that trade is unlikely ever to be free.

(Fortunately, just last month the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a new contract for $226 million to boost domestic capacity for flu vaccines. That decision stemmed from a September 2019 executive order to enhance national security by upgrading U.S. vaccine capabilities.)

And if you think the market will provide the solution, consider that potential suppliers may fear being hit with price caps, IP confiscations, or other after-the-fact “takings” by the U.S. government. So it is important to think now about how to create the right structures for the eventual creation of treatments and cures.

...If there are going to be future rounds of U.S.-China trade talks, Trump would do better to ask for superior public health institutions in China instead of, say, more restrictions on Chinese industrial policy.

Tags: health


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