Cười "rơi hàm" với hội bạn thân đến thăm người ốm

đến thăm mình ốm mà toàn hỏi 'y tá xinh không?' :D

khoa học đã chứng minh, bệnh nhân "cảm thấy hài lòng" hơn khi phòng yên tĩnh, y tá xinh (tâm sự bên giường), hơn là trình độ bác sĩ và khả năng chữa trị/cứu sống...

và chính sự cạnh tranh giữa các bệnh viện như vậy, mà bệnh viện ngày càng phải giống như... khách sạn

Young and Chen, 2020: Consumer-driven health care is often heralded (báo trước) as a new quality paradigm (mẫu, mô hình, kiểu) in medicine. However, patients-as-consumers face difficulties in judging the quality of their medical treatment. With a sample of 3,000 U.S. hospitals, we find that neither medical quality (chất lượng y khoa) nor patient survival rates (tỷ lệ sống sót của bệnh nhân) have much impact on patient satisfaction (sự hài lòng của bệnh nhân) with their hospital. In contrast, patients are very sensitive to (rất nhạy cảm với) the “room and board” aspects of care that are highly visible. Quiet rooms have a larger impact on patient satisfaction than medical quality, and communication with nurses (chuyện trò với y tá) affects satisfaction far more than the hospital-level risk of dying (rủi ro tử vong). Hospitality experiences create a halo effect of patient goodwill, while medical excellence and patient safety do not. Moreover, when hospitals face greater competition from other hospitals, patient satisfaction is higher but medical quality is lower. Consumer-driven health care creates pressures for hospitals to be more like hotels. These findings lend broader insight into unintended consequences of marketization.

Tyler: It doesn’t surprise me that consumers respond much more to nice nurses than to survival probabilities. Nice nurses are observable by patients but survival probabilities can only be estimated from sophisticated statistical models. I do wish that patients paid more attention to the outputs of sophisticated statistical models when choosing doctors and hospitals, as I think this would improve quality, but mostly they don’t. As a result, competition increases patient satisfaction but less clearly increases medical quality and medical excellence.

Bài trước: Làm sạch đầm lầy
Tags: health


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