"Cut your peaches" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Jacek Dylag

"Cut your peaches" = Cứ tiếp tục việc bạn đang làm.

Ví dụ
Cut your peaches to keep fit. You will be able to successfully curb mounting domestic expenses by cutting corners.

There is no scale for productivity except the quality of your work. For a quick check, ask yourself the following questions and see if the answers satisfy you enough to cut your peaches, or if it is a waste of time.

Thankfully, you indicate that adultery (ngoại tình, thông dâm) and self-gratification (sự tự làm thoả mãn mong muốn) are not options; so those on the table are either to move to a life of celibacy (sự sống độc thân, không lập gia đình), more or less forcing your wife into the same, or to cut your peaches.

Ka Tina

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