"Half a bubble off plumb" nghĩa là gì?

Ngoài những lúc hơi điên ra thì em vẫn bình thường. Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels 

"Half a bubble off plumb" nghĩa là ngốc ngếch, điên rồ, ngớ ngẩn, kỳ dị. "Bubble" theo nghĩa đen là phần rỗng trong thước thủy cân bằng. 

Ví dụ
According to the Aces, parking lot traffic guides are rockstars, change-vendors (người bán hàng rong) are heroes, and carnival game obsessed kids that are "about half a bubble off-plumb" eventually taste the sweet reward of victory.

I have even found that there are a disturbing number of IH fanatics (người cuồng tín) who, to put it politely, tend to be half a bubble off plumb. Therefore the irony (trớ trêu) is not lost on myself or my buddies that I now own a 13-letter poop spreader. My friends think I am crazy (they would be right), but there’s actually a method to my madness. 

“Most successful authors (tác giả) have had to overcome hardship. JK Rowling lost a baby, had an abusive marriage (bị lạm dụng trong hôn nhân), and clinical depression (trầm cảm). Hemingway suffered from deep depression and committed suicide (tự tử) at the age of 61. I’ve had no struggles in my life. Well, except for dealing with a mother who was half a bubble off plumb.” 

Thu Phương

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