"Hang a huey" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Jonas Denil

"Hang a huey" = Quay hình chữ U -> Quay hướng ngược lại (đặc biệt là quay đầu xe ngược lại).

Ví dụ
Median U-turns are an alternative to traditional roadway intersections that requires traffic turning onto U.S. 31 to first travel south or north and then hang a huey into traffic.

We reached out to Const. Mike Seel with the Regina Police Service, would said you can’t hang a huey in a school zone, a single or double solid line, or where there’s a sign telling you that you can’t hang a huey.

After seeing a car with one headlight hang a huey at the intersection (sự giao nhau, ngã ba) of Bell and Main streets at 2:29 a.m. Feb. 12, an officer stopped the Cleveland driver, 26. The man had suspected heroin and a scale for weighing it.

Ka Tina

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