"Hang in effigy" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Noah Silliman

"Hang (soneone) in effigy" = Treo hình nộm của ai hoặc vật tượng trưng của người mà mình rất ghét.

Ví dụ
Before Golden State fans decide to hang me in effigy, realize this is not an indictment (sự truy tố, buộc tội) of Ellis but more of an observation of a player who has learned to utilize his talent to its maximum benefit.

For those of you not already making plans to hang me in effigy – or for real — let me simply say this: The richest Americans may not need tax breaks that will put even more money in their already stuffed pockets, but they sure don’t need to be vilified (nói xấu, lăng mạ), either. They need our gratitude.

The protesters joined politicians like Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, NYC Public Advocate Letitia James, State Senator Simcha Felder and many others at Brooklyn Borough Hall. James suggested that the government stop advertising in the Post, "Today the Post has reached new low. You have given license (giấy cấp phép) to murder." Adams, like many others, demanded that the Post apologize, telling the press, "We stand as One Brooklyn in condemnation (sự kết án, kết tội) of the New York Post’s coverage of the murder of Menachem Stark... The New York Post’s decision to hang him in effigy on the cover of today’s paper, just hours after his family has begun to sit shiva, is a betrayal of the journalistic integrity that its readership deserves."

Ka Tina

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