"Hang on a mo" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Bna Ignacio

"Hang on a mo" = Xin hãy đợi một lát.

Ví dụ
We must ban the advertising of tobacco products (các sản phẩm thuốc lá) in printed media, radio, TV, events sponsorship etc. UK: just hang on a mo’ – there’s good money in those deathsticks, you know.

Before last weekend's game, I thought of it as a free hit. A bit of experience for some of the younger lads. Then, the second half started, and I thought 'hang on a mo!' What a performance from all of those youngsters, but in Curtis Jones I think we may have a gem. The confidence, the ability, the sheer quality of that goal! Breathtaking!

The clash was duly convened. Hang on a mo, though. In the words of that arch feminist (người bênh vực bình quyền cho phụ nữ), Frank McAvennie, were were all the burdz? Our host aside, the stage was a woman free zone, a regular Salford Lads’ Club. No Nicola. No Jo. They had to wait till the men were done talking before they could have their say in a later programme. Women, know thy place.

Ka Tina

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