"Put aside" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Joshua Harvey

"Put (something) aside" = Gạt điều gì sang một bên -> tạm thời ngừng tập trung hoặc không chú ý tới việc gì; giữ lại điều gì cho mục đích sau này.

Ví dụ
Around 7.5 million workers with no savings are being urged to put money aside every month in a new industry initiative.

Cape Town - South Africa’s Lee-Anne Pace and popular French golfer Anne-Lise Caudal will put their long-lasting friendship aside when they tee it up in the Cape Town Ladies Open at King David Mowbray Golf Club from January 29-31.

Marc Serré said the government put a lot of money aside for Fednor– $68 million– in the last budget for connectivity. That means areas that are under-serviced or are bogged down (bị sa lầy) by slower speeds, may be getting a hand.

Ka Tina

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