"Put aside your differences" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Melissa Askew

"Put aside (one's) differences" = Gạt mọi sự khác biệt sang một bên -> xí xoá những chuyện cũ, bỏ qua những chuyện bất đồng, cùng nhau hợp lại vì mục đích chung.

Ví dụ
When you have people saying 'Joe Biden's not in my party' or 'I don't agree with Elizabeth Warren,' well you have to put aside your differences.

“Sometimes you need to look at the individual and put aside your differences and support people/ambassadors who have supported you. “James supported our Boost brand over many, many years to help us get it to what it is today. We have a history of loyalty and continue to see value in James as an ambassador.”

Should I have put aside my differences and focused on the matter at hand, i.e. that the Women’s March was designed to give voice to women who feel betrayed by Trump’s agenda, a goal which, in principle, I have no reason to censure? Maybe, but this was as much an anti-Trump march as it was a women’s rights march, and though I did not vote for Trump and consider him unworthy of the office, it’s not as if I disagree with everything he says or every policy he has proposed. For example, while I lament his extreme rhetoric and his diatribes against trade pacts like NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, I applaud his emphasis on lowering corporate tax rates and reducing regulations.

Ka Tina

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