"Put you over my knee" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jon Tyson

"Put (someone) over (one's) knee" = Để ai nằm lên gối -> Trừng phạt ai (đánh vào mông, thường để phạt con nít).

Ví dụ
“The things she’d say were disgusting. She’d say, ‘You’re a child, I’m gonna put you over my knee and smack your a**e’ or disgusting threats to injure my privates.

Now, my maternal grandmother (bà ngoại) was this 4’11” first generation woman from Sicily that died at the age of 103. If you did this, Man, Woman or Beast, she’d probably put you over her knee for a good spanking.

When the captain spotted another officer standing nearby, he scolded her. "'Don't you dare talk to me like that,'" he said. "'I will put you over my knee and spank (đánh vào mông) you, little girl.'"She claimed another captain boldly told her to deal with the hostile (chống đối, thù địch) situation on her own. "'We don't work like that,'" she said the captain told her.

Ka Tina

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