"The common touch" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Pascal Bernardon

"The common touch" = Khả năng của cải hoặc vật chất mà có sức lôi cuốn con người; chỉ những người nổi tiếng/quyền lực có thể nói chuyện, xã giao tốt với người bình thường.

Ví dụ
Kevin Warren spoke extemporaneously (tùy ứng, ứng khẩu, ngẫu ứng), and with passion. He made eye contact and called people by name. He championed students, women and minorities. He is a big-league athletic commissioner with the common touch, which might make him one of a kind.

In its heyday (tuổi thanh xuân, thời hoàng kim) it appealed to the upwardly mobile and the less so but as the LMS controller of hotels remarked: "We must not confuse them with the class of people who will be using the hotel... We must walk with kings in the hotel but not lose the common touch in the bar".

Admiral Victor Bordson, several years his junior, was, in Picard’s estimation (sự đánh giá, ước lượng), a careful man. Picard did not mean this pejoratively (có nghĩa xấu, miệt thị); quite the contrary. Rather, he considered Bordson to be a man who took care: measured, disinclined (không thích) to make rash (thiếu suy nghĩ, vội vàng) decisions, somewhat impersonal (nói trống, bâng quơ, không liên quan tới ai) and lacking the common touch.

Ka Tina

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