"Without half trying" nghĩa là gì?

Tay sát gái. Photo by Silvio Barbosa from Pexels 

"Without half trying" = không cố gắng, một chút cũng không. 

Ví dụ
Duke Jenkins was the kind of overwhelming, purely masculine man who made a woman's toes curl (co quắp ngón chân) without half trying. 

He could get her on her back without half trying. As far back as he could remember he could have any woman he wanted, and Jilly was just one more. 

The tale moves along as smoothly and inevitably as oiled machinery (máy bôi trơn); obviously, it could not have been arranged otherwise than it is; and the wise reader is convinced that he could have done the thing himself without half trying. 

Looking at the wide hips of my hula sisters, I thought, this is ridiculous (nực cười)! Of course they can do a beautiful ka’o or ‘ami without half trying, because they have more to work with. But no one will even be able to tell whether my microscopic (siêu nhỏ) man hips are swaying or not. 

Thu Phương

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