"A soft answer turneth away wrath" nghĩa là gì?

Giận quá mất khôn, nhẹ nhàng, thẳng thắn thì mới giải quyết được vấn đề. Photo by Svyatoslav Reyentenko

"A soft answer turns/turneth away wrath" = một câu trả lời nhẹ nhàng sẽ xóa tan cơn thịnh nộ -> tương tự một điều nhịn là chín điều lành.

Ví dụ
What if someone expresses a strong controversial (tranh cãi) opinion that is opposite to my point of view?
At the conclusion (kết thúc) of his/her remarks, briefly express thanks in a respectful (tôn trọng) voice. Then, present your ideas with a calm voice, and hopefully with logic. Remember, “A soft answer turneth away wrath”.

If this observation seems mushy (ủy mị) and unsatisfying (không thỏa mãn), it’s because it is. Hard-edged prescriptions (toa thuốc) may do more harm than good, inviting vinegar (giấm) where balm (dầu thơm) is needed. Evangelical (theo đạo) or not, we could do worse than to heed Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turneth away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

This may not always be easy, but I encourage (khuyến khích) couples to try to do their best to speak softly and kindly to each other, even when they are upset. The Bible (Kinh thánh) says in Proverbs 15:1 that, “A soft answer turns away wrath…” Believe it or not, we can express ourselves in a disagreement (sự bất đồng) without raising our voices or being abusive!

Thu Phương

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