"Build a better mousetrap" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Brett Jordan on Unsplash

"Build a better mousetrap" = làm cái bẫy chuột tốt hơn -> nghĩa là phát triển hoặc tạo ra sản phẩm mới tốt hơn cái đang được sử dụng rộng rãi.

Ví dụ
As they say, if you can build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your company’s door. Your mousetrap ingenuity (khéo léo) forces my business to innovate (phát triển) as well. To succeed, I must learn from your successes, avoid your failures and figure out how to compete in the mousetrap marketplace.

Because nearly 20 years ago, a few doctors, public health experts and officials realized that nearly no one was meeting a national need for such specialized care and figured, why not Omaha? “We all wanted to build a better mousetrap,” said Dr. Phil Smith, an infectious disease (bệnh lây nhiễm) expert (chuyên gia) who led the effort to create the biocontainment unit at Nebraska Medical Center.

The key to a functional government for both McArthur and Pike is to listen to the people, and, if required, build a better mousetrap to make things work for future generations. “I will always be listening,” McArthur said. “I will have my beliefs (lòng tin), but I will always listen to all points of view and decide accordingly.”

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