"Chain smoke" nghĩa là gì?

Hút thuốc hại phổi! Photo by TOPHEE MARQUEZ from Pexels

"Chain smoke" theo đúng nghĩa đen là hút thuốc lá liên tục, hết điếu này đến điếu khác -> người nghiện thuốc lá.

Ví dụ
"In November 2016 while working at a local company, I complained (phàn nàn) to my employer (chủ) about my co-workers chain smoking and asked to be placed with someone who did not smoke as much,” Leslie Goodman said at the March 9 meeting.

Higgins’ days as a chain-smoking gunslinger (tay súng) were numbered. He squandered (tiêu tốn) millions of pounds of prize money and his final years were spent fighting throat cancer (ung thư vòm họng) and hustling (xoay xở) for money to feed his betting habit (thói quen cá cược).

Looking back, I started properly smoking when my mum was dying of cancer. I chain smoked outside the hospice (nhà tế bần). Those cigarettes were my friends. They offered me comfort. A few moments of tranquility (yên bình), where I could switch off from thinking about the impending trauma (tổn thương) ahead.

Thu Phương

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