Covidiot nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash.

Covidiot liên quan đến dịch Covid-19 ghép với từ idiot (thằng ngốc) nghĩa là ai đó phớt lờ "cách ly xã hội" (social distancing, xa cách nhân gian) hoặc tích trữ hàng hóa (giấy vệ sinh...) khiến người khác bị thiếu đồ thiết yếu trong đợt dịch bệnh.

Ví dụ
Lebanon is Using ‘COVIDIOT’ to Refer to People Not Quarantining.

Photoshop-skilled social media users altered the poster board to read as 'We have no idea what we're doing' and 'Trump is a Covidiot'.

COVID-19 already has changed the way we talk, adding terms such as “coronavirus,” “social distancing” and “flattening the curve” to the lexicon. And if you over- or under-react to the threat of the virus? Well, then you’re a “covidiot,” a new put-down making the rounds online and on local radio.

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