"Crank bugs" nghĩa là gì?

Ngứa quá mà gãi không tới. Photo by Kristina Nor from Pexels

"Crank bugs" = những con bọ kích thích -> ảo giác có bọ bò quanh người (do ma túy gây nên). "Crank" là tiếng lóng của "methamphetamine" (ma túy tổng hợp)

Ví dụ
He couldn't get rid of the crank bugs crawling all over his skin. Sitting on the grass beneath a streetlamp (đèn đường), Harris attacked them with a penknife (dao nhíp), over and over.

A common delusion (ảo giác) experienced by meth (ma túy tổng hợp) users is the belief that their skin is crawling (bò) with insects (“crank bugs”), so users may frequently pick at their skin, causing sores (lở loét) to form.

Everything looked better, even Johnny appeared better looking, the sores on his face and arms became beauty spots. The crank bugs were sure to visit soon, and Rick hated those things, but he tolerated (chịu đựng) them as they crawled under his skin.

One common hallucination (ảo giác) is the experience of crank bugs. The user feels as if bugs are crawling all over his or her body. He or she may violently scratch (gãi mạnh) at the skin, which often leads to open wounds (vết thương hở) and ugly scars.

Thu Phương

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