"Culturally advantaged" nghĩa là gì?

Ham học hỏi sẽ khiến bạn "giàu có". Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

"Culturally advantaged" = lợi thế văn hóa -> giàu có, tầng lớp thượng lưu, ưu tú. Ngược lại là "culturally disadvantaged/deprived" (nghèo, văn hóa thấp).

Ví dụ
Shupe’s second estimation (ước tính) is that, because research has shown that masculine (nam tính) men are socially, politically, economically, and culturally advantaged in North America, they receive greater social benefits (lợi ích xã hội) compared to men who display traits (đặc điểm) associated with femininity (nữ tính).

The guys grew up together in Imperial, Nebraska, and have been friends for 20 years. Together, they now lead Rabble Mill (rabblemill.org), focused on providing (cung cấp) economically and culturally disadvantaged youth in Nebraska with skills, relationships and opportunities to grow and reinvest (tái đầu tư) in their communities (cộng đồng).

The interest of diversity (đa dạng) is compelling (hấp dẫn) in the context of a university’s admissions (tuyển sinh) program because an otherwise qualified medical (y khoa) student with a particular background—whether it be ethnic (dân tộc), geographic, culturally advantaged or disadvantaged—may bring to a professional (chuyên nghiệp) school of medicine experiences, outlooks (tầm nhìn), and ideas that enrich (phong phú) the training of its student body.

Thu Phương

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