"Fend and prove" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Abel Tan Jun Yang from Pexels

"Fend and prove" = bảo vệ và chứng minh -> tranh luận và bảo vệ ý kiến (ít dùng).

Ví dụ
It was a manifest (rõ ràng) sign indeed of no contentious spirit (tinh thần tranh cãi), and that delighted not in fending and proving, as we say.

Sir, in my last, for want of something better to write about, I told you what a world of fending and proving we have had of late in this little village of ours.

Every morning before we walked out the door, she said in her strong, matter-of-fact (thực tế) voice: "Stay out of other folks' business. Keep your tongue between your teeth. Know and don't know. See and don't see. Hear and don't hear. Keep your dress tail down." And finally, “No arguing, proving, and fending!”

This good man efcap't that Storme, becaufe he was provided, but not to doe, as the Bishop (giám mục) did, plead (cầu xin) to the Jurifdiction, and being overruled (bác bỏ), plead not guilty (chối tội), and goe to fending and proving, and at length received their judgment (phán xét).

 Thu Phương

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