"For want of a nail" nghĩa là gì?

Đâu ai muốn vì con ngựa mà mất nước. Photo by Mike from Pexels

"For want of a nail (the shoe was lost)" hoặc " for want of a shoe the horse was lost", "for want of a horse the man was lost" có nghĩa là vì một lỗi/ mất mát nhỏ có thể gây ra hậu quả lớn.

Ví dụ
Numeroff and Bond were not telling a “for want of a nail”–type story about an endlessly slippery slope (dốc trơn trượt). They just wanted to entertain children and enjoy the absurdity (ngớ ngẩn) of animals eating human food.

It is only a matter of time before their wishful thinking that CAA will help them in the Bengal elections (cuộc bầu cử) turns out to be a mirage (ảo ảnh), despite the pathetic (thảm bại) performance of the Trinamool Congress till date. As that old proverb goes, “for want of a nail a kingdom was lost.”

Our current predicament (tình trạng khó khăn) vis-a-vis China reminds me of Benjamin Franklin’s proverb, “For the want of a nail, a kingdom was lost.” In the story, a messenger (sứ giả) sets out to warn the king that the kingdom is being invaded (xâm chiếm). But his horse throws a shoe along the way and goes lame. The rider never reaches the king with his message. The kingdom falls. Let’s not be that kingdom.

Thu Phương

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