"Foresight is better than hindsight" nghĩa là gì?

Cuộc đời luôn có những biến số không thể lường trước. Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash 

“Foresight is better than hindsight” = lo xa tốt hơn nhận thức muộn màng -> nghĩa là dự đoán và ngăn chặn vấn đề trước khi nó xảy ra tốt hơn là mất bò mới lo làm chuồng.

Ví dụ
"If we don't learn from our mistakes of the past, history will only repeat itself, and that's why foresight is better than hindsight." David L. Faust,.

Hindsight (nhìn nhận sau), as the proverb suggests, is often 20/20. But what’s better than hindsight? Foresight (nhìn xa)--the ability to anticipate (dự đoán) and prevent (ngăn chặn) future problems as opposed (trái ngược) to realizing how they could have been avoided after the fact.

When people quote William Blake’s aphorism (cách ngôn) that hindsight is a wonderful thing, they tend to forget how it ends: “But foresight is better, especially when it comes to saving life, or some pain!” Since arriving in Italy more than a month ago, I’ve been keeping a daily diary. Looking back over it, I’m shocked at my own inability (bất lực) to spot the signs of impending doom (sự diệt vong).

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