"Have more money than sense" nghĩa là gì?

Mua gì cần thiết thôi nha. Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

“Have more money than sense” = tiền nhiều hơn sự khôn ngoan -> nghĩa là có nhiều tiền nhưng chi tiêu bừa bãi, lãng phí tiền bạc.

Ví dụ
Unless a miracle (kỳ diệu) team appears from the sky, decides it has more money than sense and makes the show-stopping offer (đề nghị ấn tượng), you’re going to wind up back (quay lại) in Seattle — in a situation you claimed to love.

Yes, it’s the equivalent (tương đương) of hanging a very expensive sign over your door saying: ‘I don’t care what people think’. And yes, it may also display (hiển thị) to everyone that you have more money than sense. But above it all, it’s got to make sense to you the driver.

Anse, Tyler, Lope and Malaya operate Little Eden, a sanctuary (khu bảo tồn) for wild animals near Savannah. Anse runs (điều hành) it; it’s his vision (tầm nhìn) and solace (an ủi). Together, they’ve rescued (giải cứu) trophy cats (lions, tigers, panthers) caught and caged (bắt và nhốt) for sport by millionaires with more money than sense.

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