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chỉ là tìm điện thoại bị rơi dưới giường thôi mà,

nam y tá thanh minh vì bị bệnh nhân nữ kiện vì... mút chân cô ta :D

The patient (bệnh nhân) said she felt her right foot being touched around 11 p.m. (11 giờ đêm) on Monday. she assumed a nurse was checking for swelling (viêm, sưng), until she were touched again. Then, the patient felt it happening a third time — this time she felt something wet between her toes. When she looked up, she said she saw Frantz Beldorin, 23, on his knees with his head bent over her foot,

..."I dropped my phone under the bed. and as I’m trying to get my phone and she kicks," Beldorin said. “She’s afraid and we’re in the dark (trong bóng tối). It’s a dark room with a dark male at the foot of her bed. I can understand."

Beldorin said he lost his job and reputation in one night (mất việc làm và thanh danh trong cùng một đêm).

Tags: health


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