"Get along on" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Julien Lanoy

"Get along on (something)" = Có mối quan hệ tốt (với ai, với nhau) hoặc cải thiện được một tình huống (xấu).

Ví dụ
"We have a really good relationship, we get along really well, we're really good mates. It's important to have a good relationship off the field to get along on it."

“The government knows they are going into deficit spending, and it’s going to be tricky as a member of the EU, but they don’t care. They’re just going to do it,” said Worthen. “It’s rather astounding. We think of the factional political parties in Italy who don’t get along on anything, but they are all coming together and collaborating for the needs of the citizens.”

This may sound ridiculous, but as de Wit walked me through the numbers that morning, it felt like an epiphany (sự kiện Chúa Giêxu hiện ra, lễ hiển linh; sự thấu rõ). There was a unifying, exhilarating clarity to that wonky diagram (biểu đồ không đáng tin cậy), to the way it defined the task. Sure, it said, the threats we face are multifarious (phong phú, khác nhau) and overwhelming. Sure, they’re planetary in scale. But really, to get along on this Earth, we must do just one thing: Stop wasting so much of it. De Wit pointed to a thin arrow that circled back, from right to left, along the bottom of the diagram, representing all the material we’d managed to capture through recycling, composting, and so on. It was only 9.3 billion tons: just 9 percent of the total.

Ka Tina

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