"Get around the table" nghĩa là gì?

Ngồi họp mà có vẻ vui ghê. Photo by fauxels from Pexels

"Get (someone) around the table" = đến xung quanh bàn -> tụ tập mọi người lại.

Ví dụ
The first table was exclusively (dành riêng) male, including the host, any preachers (nhà thuyết giáo) in attendance, and as many of the older males as could get around the table—seated pretty much in order of their age.

We could proceed (tiến hành). We sat around a long, rectangular conference (hội nghị) table; there was enough room to get around the table, but not much more. The court reporter (thư ký tòa án) sat at one end, I sat to her right, and Williams sat to her left, directly across from me.

I think that remark (nhận xét) was made in the context (bối cảnh) of just getting the negotiations (cuộc đàm phán) started. One of the difficulties there is, quite apart from the United States which we have talked about, is getting the developing countries (nước đang phát triển) to commit (cam kết) to anything at all and getting them involved, so initially (ban đầu) the focus should really be on just getting the people around the table which at the moment has not proved possible.

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