"Get down to it" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Luka Davitadze

“Get down to it” = Tập trung vào khía cạnh quan trọng nhất của vấn đề.

Ví dụ
When you get down to it, it’s not the vehicle that matters, it’s the content. And I like to think our content matters. Quality has always been of paramount (tối cao, hết sức) importance at Metro Weekly and that’s certainly not changing now. If we are asking you to invest your time with us, we’re going to do our best to make it worth your while.

“Obviously, I would say our retailers and restaurants, in terms of having the greatest hits, are the ones most affected,” Malone said. “Also, the hotels. Their numbers are way down in terms of occupancy. Those are the folks that are taking the large hits in that regard, and it just grows exponentially (theo hàm mũ) into every sector of the economy when you get down to it.”

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have a new sell-by date, but otherwise nothing much has happened. Except that when you get down to it, it will resume (in all likelihood) in a new world, in which national borders have been mocked by nature. COVID-19 took care of that, no matter how many times government stooges (người thay mặt) want to call it the Chinese Virus. The disease is, to use a tiresome Olympics metaphor, dominating the medal count.

Ka Tina

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