"Get fresh with" nghĩa là gì?

“Get fresh with” = Đối xử với ai rất hỗn xược và xấc láo; thể hiện rõ việc muốn “have sex” với ai một cách rất sỗ sàng và thiếu tôn trọng họ.

Ví dụ
Women Get "Fresh" with Art World Sexism. A women's art and activism initiative aims to address the gender imbalance.

She's the kind of girl who casually comments that "I had to kick his ass again" when one of the guys tries to get fresh with her. Predictably, Riddick interests her.

Harvey Weinstein failed to get Friends star Jennifer Aniston into a dress after she refused to wear one of his wife’s designs to a premiere. The disgraced movie boss has been accused of harassing and assaulting a number of women, but Aniston insists he knew better than to get fresh with her, revealing the only run-in she had with the producer was over a red carpet outfit.

Ka Tina

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