"Invest in myself" nghĩa là gì?

Đầu tư có lãi nhất chính là đầu tư vào bản thân Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

'Invest in someone/something' -> nghĩa là đầu tư vào ai/cái gì với hi vọng sẽ gia tăng giá trị trong tương lai.

Ví dụ
NASA partners with 17 companies to invest in the future of Urban Air Mobility.

For me, there is no better investment than one made on one’s self. In 2020, you should invest in yourself or stand the risk of being left behind by your peers (đồng nghiệp). By investing in yourself, you will be able to stand the test of time.

We all invest in the people and things that surround us. When you go out with your friends, you’re investing in your relationship with them. Whether you spend your time posting on social media or playing video games, you’re making an investment.

One can invest in small amounts through systematic investment plans (SIP) with as little as Rs 500 every month. The catch here is you need not have to wait for a long tenure (thời kỳ) until you accumulate more money to make an investment decision. With mutual funds (quỹ tương hỗ), an investor can make optimum use (sử dụng tối ưu, tận dụng tốt nhất) of the available cash and thus maximize his/her returns (lợi nhuận).

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