Tiền chỉ là tờ giấy

dave trott kể chuyện thuyền trưởng Cook đến Matavai Bay, Tahiti năm 1769,

các thủy thủ nhiều ngày vật vã trên biển, thấy gái đẹp thổ dân đảo hoang chỉ muốn sex và dùng tiền để "đổi tiền lấy tình", nhưng các em gái ko hiểu đó là gì, chỉ cần đinh sắt (vì with iron they could make fishing-hooks, chisels, drills) -> các thủy thủ lấy đinh từ bất kỳ đâu (kể cả từ vỏ tàu),

ý dave muốn nói "tiền chỉ là tờ giấy", 'là một khái niệm' you can’t make tools out of paper money, you can’t build anything with it, or use it to feed or protect your family, nhưng People will trade happiness, health, relationships, family, even life for paper money.

trong ngành quảng cáo, có những người làm marketing nhắm đến danh hiệu, giải thưởng (là concept - khái niệm) mà quên việc cần làm (marketing)
...the Tahitian women were beautiful.

They bathed every day, they wore sweet-smelling flowers in their hair, they protected their skin from the sun with oil, they wore hardly any clothes.

To sailors who had been at sea for months, with nothing but stale water and rotten biscuits, they were irresistible.

The sailors took every nail they could find, from wherever they could find it.

When the ship’s supply of nails was gone, they even began pulling out nails from the ship itself, even from the planking in the hull.

Eventually it was discovered and stopped, it began to threaten the ship’s seaworthiness.

The point is, the men would do anything for sex with these women.

And these women would do anything for iron nails.

We might call it prostitution, but either way it was trade, and the nails were money.

The nails were real money, whereas the paper money wasn’t.

Bài trước: Tháp nước
Tags: idea

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