Tương lai của các chuỗi nhà thuốc

đừng có thành sweatshop (xí nghiệp bóc lột công nhân tàn tệ) đối với các dược sĩ nhé,

vì áp lực các chỉ tiêu tài chính (doanh thu, lợi nhuận, thời gian phục vụ khách hàng, v.v...) biến dược sĩ như nhân viên của tiệm bánh mc donald, như robot, ko có cả thời gian đi vệ sinh, bán nhầm thuốc cho bệnh nhân...

...the third leading cause of death in America is medical errors, at between 250,000 and 440,000 people a year. That’s a population the size of Reno, Nevada dying every single year. Some of these deaths (chết, tử vong) are unavoidable (không tránh khỏi), as mistakes  (sai lầm, lỗi lầm) are a fact of life (điều tất yếu của cuộc sống), but the powerful monopolies (tập đoàn độc quyền hùng mạnh) in American health care system (hệ thống y tế) do two things to contribute to such mistakes. First, they push too many high-margin (lợi nhuận cao) but unnecessary (không cần thiết) pills and surgeries (phẫu thuật), and second, they interfere (can thiệp) in the relationship (mối quan hệ) between medical professionals (chuyên gia y tế) and patients (bệnh nhân).

Ellen Gabler at the New York Times had a great story yesterday with the gory (vấy máu, đẫm máu) details of one such example, the massive drug store chain CVS. The gist of her story is that CVS has imposed sweatshop-style conditions in their stores. Pharmacies are understaffed (không đủ người), pharmacists don’t have time to focus on patients (or sometimes even take bathroom breaks), and they are constantly being pressed to overprescribe medication (kê đơn quá tay).

The article has a litany of horrible errors, including a patient dying because she accidentally got dispensed harsh chemotherapy drugs, or a baby accidentally receiving steroids. As Gabler showed, “doctors complain that pharmacies bombard them with requests for refills that patients have not asked for and should not receive.”

...many pharmacists at companies like CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens described understaffed and chaotic workplaces where they said it had become difficult to perform their jobs safely, putting the public at risk of medication errors.

They struggle to fill prescriptions, give flu shots, tend the drive-through, answer phones, work the register, counsel patients and call doctors and insurance companies, they said — all the while racing to meet corporate performance metrics that they characterized as unreasonable and unsafe in an industry squeezed to do more with less.

Bài trước: Trump lố quá

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