"Play all the angles" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Brandon Wong

"Play (all) the angles" = Chơi mọi ngóc ngách/góc -> Tận dụng mọi cơ hội/phương cách có được để đạt mục đích của mình.

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That's OK because they're successful hard driving business executives who play all the angles? That's male privilege at its absolute best.

As a properly starchy (chứa tinh bột) Mary Poppins, Hux delights kids at birthday parties. As the booty-shaking MC Sweet Tea, she leads her Tastee Hotz dancers in feminist rabble-rousers like “Why Don’t Saint Sensations Get Paid?” In “A Day Late and a Dollar Shot,” an immersive Hux production staged at the New Quorum in 2019, she was a bourbon-swilling Storyville denizen (cư dân) who knows how to play all the angles. And when she steps up to the mic with Malevitus, she’s a high priestess of rock and roll who calls down our collective demons in an ecstatic exorcism (phù phép, thần chú xuất thần).

But three things above all that I must verify is no, Detective Flores did not “save your life,” and no, he will not be turning up any “missing ex-boyfriends” from my past and no, I am not a “serial killer.” My goodness, those things are so far from the truth. After getting over the initial shock and indignation (sự căm phẫn, phẫn nộ) that he would propose such notions and the realization that, while, this Detective really does play all the angles, I actually got a small laugh out of such ridiculousness and even cried out,” what a freaking bone-head!” in reference to him. (Jail has made me no less a dork (kẻ ngớ ngẩn, ngu si) that I was prior to my rest).

Ka Tina

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