"Play me false" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Scott Webb

"Play (one) false" = Đánh lừa ai; phản bội ai.

Ví dụ
Yasmine Hamdan more explicitly (rõ ràng, dứt khoát) eschews (kiêng cữ, tránh làm) such idealising sentimentality in her gorgeous hymn to a bygone Beirut. Assuming the translation doesn’t play me false, it wasn’t all “arak-drinking” and “card-playing” back then; this “fancy living, excess of splurging, exploded vanity (hư ảo, rỗng tuếch)” was smothering (bao phủ) the city she loved.

When Aaron McGruder’s instincts play him false, which happens often enough, they usually take him to more original places than this. The show hits rock bottom when Tom angrily tells the singer that he’s starting to wonder if he even really beat his girlfriend. The singer is indignant (căm phẫn, phẫn nộ): “Don’t you ever question whether I beat Christiana. I whupped that bitch’s ass!”

The airspeed indicator may be the oldest and most fundamental of the flight instruments, but it is also the one least suited to its job, which is primarily not to tell us how fast we are going but rather where we are in the flight envelope. It is pleasant to know, as we cruise along, that we are indicating 137 knots; but the airspeed indicator is most important at low speeds, close to the stall, and it is there that it is most likely to play us false.

Ka Tina

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