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anh adam martin người anh, cố gắng lấy miếng bỏng ngô dắt răng - bằng nhiều vật dụng khác nhau, suốt 3 ngày không được - rồi sưng, nhiễm trùng tới mức phải... phẩu thuật mổ tim

Adam Martin, a firefighter (lính cứu hỏa) and father of three (ông bố 3 con) from Cornwall, England, said he noticed the piece of popcorn stuck in a back tooth after he and his wife watched a movie in September. For three days, he was unable to remove the popcorn. He claims to have used multiple objects — a pen lid, a toothpick, a piece of wire and even a metal nail — to remove the food, but was unsuccessful, and even damaged his surrounding gum when doing so.

A week later, Martin began to suffer from night sweats, fatigue (mệt mỏi), headaches (đau đầu)— all of which he initially thought (ban đầu nghĩ rằng) were signs of the flu but would later learn were signs of endocarditis (viêm màng trong tim), or an infection (viêm, nhiễm) of the endocardium (màng trong tim). The infection occurs when bacteria (vi khuẩn, vi trùng) from the mouth, skin, intestines and other areas of the body enters the bloodstream (mạch máu).

...He was then transferred to a different hospital, where he reportedly underwent a seven-hour open heart surgery (phẫu thuật tim hở) to repair his mitral valve (van hai lá) and replace his aortic (động mạch chủ) valve.

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Tags: health


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