"Preach about" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

"Preach about/down (someone or something)" = thuyết giảng, giảng giải điều gì mang ý gièm pha/chỉ trích/ bôi xấu.

Ví dụ
“I burnt these churches because of anger arising from the fact that these churches preach about prosperity (thịnh vượng) but I have remained poor all throughout,” He said.

In school, they preach about anti-bullying (chống bắt nạt) but I think this is one of the biggest lies they tell. They don’t teach us how to deal with it, but if we stand up for ourselves, we’re in the wrong. There are different forms of bullying and it isn’t just hitting and punching (đánh và đấm).

“We are stuck between a rock and a hard place but I am doing what I think is best for the safety of my family. I look, listen and watch and if things don’t move quick enough then I’m prepared to do what I need to do to protect (bảo vệ) my family the best I can,” he says. “How can you preach down social distancing (cách ly xã hội), the banning of group gatherings (tụ họp nhóm) yet allow kids to go to school?”

Thu Phương

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