"Prevention is better than cure" nghĩa là gì?

Quyết tâm chiến thắng đại dịch! Photo by Min An from Pexels

"Prevention is better than cure" -> nghĩa là phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh.

Ví dụ
It was a short work trip to Kyrgyzstan. I went there for a music video. The whole world is having trouble (gặp rắc rối) with the corona virus and one should take proper precautions (biện pháp phòng ngừa đúng đắn) to avoid any issue. Prevention is better than cure.

While speaking with us, Kiran said, "I believe, prevention is better than cure. In a crisis situation (tình hình khủng hoảng) like this, it is important for everyone to follow the basic precautionary measures (biện pháp phòng ngừa cơ bản) to be safe from Coronavirus. It all starts with an individual to take a personal interest (lợi ích cá nhân) and create public awareness (nhận thức cộng động)."

But our Islam (đạo Hồi) has also preached (thuyết giáo) “Prevention is better than Cure”. If you are suffering from a disease (mắc bệnh) and not taking medicines or going to hospital for cure this is insane (điên rồ), Islam does not preach this. Islam teaches us to both put our trust in Allah and utilize (tận dụng) all the possible means (phương tiện có thể) to protect ourselves and our bodies.

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