"Scare off" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Tim Fuzail from Pexels

"Scare off/away" nghĩa là xua đuổi.

Ví dụ
The Town of Dobbins Heights has hung effigies (hình nộm) of vultures (kền kền) to scare away the large group of vultures that have been roosting (đậu) at the park on and off for more than a year.

Guards (lính canh) have dressed up as gorillas to scare off monkeys near India's border (biên giới) while the country tries to manage a growing population (tăng dân số) of rampaging macaques (khỉ hung hăng).

The Ansarallah forces (lực lượng) announced on Saturday that their air defenses (lực lượng phòng không) were able to scare off a Saudi-led Coalition F-15 jet over the skies of Yemen’s Al-Jawf Governorate.

A church has won permission (sự cho phép) to electrify (điện khí hóa) its porch (cổng vòm) to scare off pigeons deemed a safety risk to worshippers (người sùng bái) after “fouling” (làm ô uế) all over the doorstep.

Thu Phương

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