"Scare someone out of their wits" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Sam Pineda from Pexels

"Scare/frighten someone out of one's wits" hoặc "scares the wits out of someone" = dọa mất trí -> nghĩa là bị dọa đến bần thần, không còn tỉnh táo.

Ví dụ
Turn the lights out (tắt đèn) and get ready to be scared out of your wits. With guaranteed (đảm bảo) jump scares (nhảy ra hù dọa) this series is not for the light-hearted (vui vẻ vô tư) but perfect for avid horror fans.

It is however the atmosphere and the way Infliction deals with terror and fear (nỗi kinh hoàng và sợ hãi) where the game excels tremendously (kinh khủnh). I’m not afraid to admit that at times Infliction has utterly (hoàn toàn) scared me out of my wits – and that’s coming from someone who has played a good deal of horror experiences and is more than used to jumpscares.

I’m not easily scared, but I was genuinely nervous (thực sự lo lắng) to experience (trải nghiệm) this “sensory encounter” (cuộc gặp gỡ giác quan) of Ghost Stories. Reviews told of its “blood-curdling” (ghê rợn) jump scares and crafty plot-line (cốt truyện xảo quyệt), and I thought maybe I’d finally found a clever psychological horror (rùng rợn tâm lý) that would scare me out of my wits.

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