"Soft job" nghĩa là gì?

Nếu phải lựa chọn, hãy cứ chọn việc nhẹ lương cao. Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels

"Soft job" = công việc nhẹ nhàng, không áp lực.

Ví dụ
They talk about looking for gold at the end of a rainbow (điều ao ước); but if a man wants an employment (công việc) that'll last him till he dies, let him start out on the soft-job hunt (săn).

Suppose (giả sử) you had just gone to classification (phân loại) and had been given a choice between two jobs. One was a pretty soft job and the other was a little harder but the kind of thing you liked to do. So which do you choose?

More women are in soft jobs. The kind of work women finds representation in has, meanwhile, been heavily skewed towards (chuyển hướng mạnh) those that require soft skills (kỹ năng mềm) and not those that need managerial skills (kỹ năng quản lý).

Thu Phương

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