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nghiên cứu ở anh cho thấy có thể lấy được tinh trùng từ người chết, bằng xung điện tuyến tiền liệt hoặc phẫu thuật

The analysis, which is published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, claims that opt-in post-death donations could be a "morally permissible" way of increasing the stocks available.

In 2017 in the UK, 2,345 babies were born after a sperm donation.

However, there is a growing shortage of donations around the country because of strict regulations.

Sperm can be collected after death either through electrical stimulation of the prostate gland (tuyến tiền liệt) or surgery, and can then be frozen.

Evidence suggests that sperm harvested from men who have died can still result in viable pregnancies and healthy children, even when retrieved up to 48 hours after death has occurred.

Tags: health

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