"Start with" nghĩa là gì?

Nếu có triệu chứng hãy mau đi xét nghiệm càng sớm càng tốt. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

"Start with" = bắt đầu với -> ở điểm đầu tiên/ lúc đầu, ban đầu.

Ví dụ
Spring will start tomorrow with days of rain and strong winds, according to the Met Office.

Let’s start with six things you can do every day to maintain your physical (thể chất) and mental (tinh thần) health if you’re isolating (cách ly) at home.

Positive cases (trường hợp dương tính) of COVID-19 say symptoms (triệu chứng) start with simple sore throat (viêm họng) - but people can recover. By Herald Scotland Online.

He knew the symptoms – fever (sốt), fatigue (mệt mỏi), cough, shortness of breath (khó thở). And he had none of them. "To me, it’s important that people understand that they don’t have to start with a fever," Kornel said. "Because it was so mild (nhẹ), there was no reason for me to think that I had anything other than a cold."

Thu Phương

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