"Stinks to high heaven" nghĩa là gì?

Mùi gì đấy??? Photo courtesy: Magnus Hagdorn

"Stink/smell to high heaven" = thối/bốc mùi lên đến cả trời -> rất tệ hoặc mang tiếng xấu.

Ví dụ
I can’t believe we’re doing this, the whole thing stinks to high heaven.

One can truthfully say that even the Parliamentary debates stank to high heaven in the past few weeks thanks to Ranjan Ramanayake’ antics (trò hề). We Sri Lankans must be mad to spend so much of national wealth to hear such inanities (lời nói vớ vẩn, vô nghĩa) and bring shame on those persons who decorated our Parliament in the past and set decent standards not second to the mother of Parliaments. The illustrious (nổi tiếng) persons of the past who were universally accepted as luminaries (danh nhân) are remembered fondly with gratitude.

"If the president is being accused of withholding (giữ lại) foreign aid, and his argument is, 'Well, we were studying corruption (tham nhũng), and we wanted to know about corruption in Ukraine,' and I think the Biden's are as corrupt as the day is long," Paul said. "No young man who is the son of a politician gets $50,000 a month who has no experience, working for a Ukrainian oligarch (đầu sỏ chính trị). You know, for goodness sakes — it smells to high heaven. It smells like corruption."

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Bài trước: "Wouldn't hurt a fly" nghĩa là gì?
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