"Stride out of" nghĩa là gì?

Tự tin sải bước mùa corona. Photo by nappy from Pexels

"Stride out (of some place)" là bước ra từ đâu với sải bước dài, và đi một cách vội vã, quyết liệt.

Ví dụ
Musical entertainment (âm nhạc giải trí) will add to the occasion as well as the opportunity (cơ hội) to simply sit and soak up (hòa mình) the atmosphere (bầu không khí) as Steampunk fans stride out in costume.

Brother and sister Colin Davies and Morwenna Mullen are not messing (làm bẩn) about. They stride out to the water’s edge (rìa nước) with long sticks and their trousers (quần) made watertight (kín nước) with plastic bags and bright yellow gaffer tape. They swear it works, most of the time.

When the end comes, some will not be waiting in a bunker (hố cát) for a saviour (vị cứu tinh). They will stride out into the wilderness (vùng hoang dã) with confidence, ready to hunt and kill a deer, tan its hide (đánh nhừ tử) and sleep easily in a hand-built shelter (chỗ ẩn náu), close by a fire they made from the force of their two palms on a stick.

Thu Phương

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