5 người trung quốc ăn động vật hoang dã đã bị bắt

ở ai cập, vì nhà chức trách tưởng đang nướng rắn (ở ai cập cấm ăn rắn), hóa ra ko phải, là nướng ngẩu pín :), và họ đã được thả...
The five Chinese nationals arrested in Cairo Wednesday evening were cooking meals of animals' genitals, not grilled snakes, a veterinary (thú y) official has said.

...The move by authorities came after police received a report from one of the residents (cư dân) in the area alleging (tố cáo) that his Chinese neighbours were grilling snakes intheir garden. Snakes are not traditionally eaten in Egypt.

A team of specialists has been formed to examine whether the seized food was harmful.

Tags: china


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